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Needing a vacation from summer vacation

June 24, 2012

It's said that it's not how you start but how you finish. That being the case, this round of intensive PT at Leap Beyond Therapy can be considered another success. Many thanks to Ted and Angie again who came back another day during week 3 to help Nathan get over the hump and finish stronger than he's ever been.

I don't think any of us will complain about getting our schedule back to a closer sense to normal. And spending 4 hours a day driving will not be missed (at least for another 5 months, when we head back in November).

Watching Nathan play on the floor at home, he's gone from preferring sitting to lying on the floor, back to being on the floor so he can move around more as he pleases. Of course, his first option is to have someone move things to him, but if he can't get anyone to fall for that trick, he's doing a much better, and more successful job of scooting across the floor to get where and what he wants.

Part of our new home program is to do more walking with Nathan holding his hands out in front of him and not wrapped around supporting his trunk. It's now his job to do the bulk of the weight bearing and standing and relying on Mom and Dad (hopefully less and less) for stability and balance. This is still a ways out, but the time he's spending on his feet, on his own, has grown in a measurable way.

Summer vacation can finally start for Nathan as he's back to the sitter for a month and a half before getting to ride the school bus he's been longing to sneak on for the past two years. It's a weird feeling thinking he'll be going to school (even kindergarten) a full-day, which means no babysitters and no driving once school begins. It's sure to be new to all of us and we're hoping things are successful that new adventure as well.

Looking full circle, this still is the beginning of summer (there's definitely less than 104 days left now) and we have a lot of work ahead of us to finish as strong as we've started. Then again, if we can manage to put in as much effort the rest of the summer, who knows how far we'll come.

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