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With a little help from my friends

June 17, 2012

I still remember my college orientation, sitting in the theater of the Drake Union, when the Dean of Admissions made his routine speech to incoming college freshmen. He made all of the students stand up and recite three simple words “I need help.” He then let the girls sit down and made the guys say it again. There wasn’t anyone watching me, so I mumbled something but knew he couldn’t possibly be talking about me.

The dean went on saying, there will be a time when everyone gets stuck, doesn’t understand or just can’t handle anything on his/her own. My parents have always been very supportive in all of my ventures, but still when I had a job to do, I found a way to get it done. As the pitcher of the softball team, it takes a lot for me to hand the ball over to someone else, even if I’m struggling badly. Last week, I played injured but wouldn’t allow someone else to run the bases for me, even after others offered from the sidelines.

Nathan has completed his second week of intensive therapy in Cincinnati. This is our fourth session at Leap Beyond Therapy and we all have the routine pretty much down now. Annette has had to do all but one day’s worth of driving, which makes for some very long days for her.

Nathan also seems to know the routine and has his own tricks too. He’s never been fond of doing the weight work in the cage and he tends to turn on the water works when he has to go back in there…at least when mom or dad can hear him. Annette had already been asked to step out to the waiting area when this time rolled around, and after putting on the most dramatic performance of his career on my day down, I was told I would be asked to step out as well.

The funny thing is, when outside volunteers would help him out, he seemed to put on a much different show. Many times trying to work hard, show what he can do and get much more out of the 2-hour trips back and forth, 5 times a week.

Ted and AngieOn Wednesday of this week, we had a very special treat. One of my fraternity brothers and one of our biggest supporters, along with his fiancée, took time out of their schedules to volunteer, simply to support Nathan. They had never met Nathan face-to-face, but that didn’t stop their enthusiasm and helped propel Nathan to probably his best day so far. It was a perfect example of what can happen when we allow others to help us, even when we think we’re doing fine.

All that being said, I would like to thanks to all who help out with every step and venture we pursue. From monetary support, those who have helped out with meals, gifts, prayers and words of support, none go unnoticed, even if we’re not quick to respond. We know that Nathan’s progress is where it is because of all of you, and it’s about time we stop and take a moment to say thanks.

With one more week to go, I will break my trend and ask for others just to send prayers, and good wishes upon us to complete our session. If anyone else is in the Cincinnati area and would like to volunteer (either for our session or for any session) any help there would be appreciated. Hopefully, the skills Nathan is developing will be shown through further skills in the near future. As much as we’d like to think that Annette and I will give Nathan the best, we know a little help goes a long way. Thanks to Ted and Angie for sharing another lesson to a dad still learning things every day.

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