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Discovering that ‘Yes, I can’

Jan. 10, 2012

Everyone has their line in the sand. The point where any effort you have to put in, isn’t worth the prize once you get there. For some people, the line seems to constantly be miles away, while for Nathan it’s always seemed to be about four inches. For you or I, we’d lean forward a little bit and not think twice, but all too many times Nathan would just put his head down and give up.

For a special needs child, the challenge always needs to be there. Our long-time favorite PT Abbi was known for always saying, “One more time.” Then after completing the task replying, “Okay, I lied. One more time.” It took a little while, but eventually even Nathan would give her a look, saying in his own way, “Really?… Really!?”

After intensive therapy finished up, the recovery and downtime kicked in, and Nathan just looked spent. The last day in Cincinnati I was able to see the exercises for the home program, how they were supposed to be done, but Nathan just wasn’t putting the effort in. The past couple of days both Nathan and I have been under the weather and for Nathan, the lethargic guy looked even more pathetic.

He and I were laying on the floor, and he wasn’t ready to snuggle. I just wanted him to settle down and get some rest, hoping tomorrow would bring a refreshed and rejuvenated little guy. He just wanted to wiggle as no matter what he was doing, he couldn’t get comfortable.

At that moment, something over my shoulder caught his eye. I couldn’t really see what it was, but he dug his elbows into the carpet (and my arm,) brought his knees under him and lunged forward. He couldn’t reach it, but gave a loud grunt and did it all over again. With that second lunge he rolled to his back, lifted his toy in the air and sang of his victory.

This wasn’t just a foot across the floor, but to a degree, over the top of me in the process. I just laid there, knowing I really had nothing to do with it, but knowing I was supposed to witness his success. No one had to dangle the carrot, tease or tempt him, something in his mind just said, “Hey, you can do this.” And then he did.

At work, someone on my floor has a sign in their cube that says, “What would you try, if you knew you could not fail?” I don’t know who said it (or even who’s cubicle it belongs to,) but it reminds me every time I see it, not to give up. I’m ever thankful for the days Nathan lives by that too.

May whatever you long for, never be too far from your grasp, and when things get tough, don’t pray for things to be give to you, but the strength to keep moving forward. Life was never intended to be easy, but to be always worth fighting for.

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