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Our new holiday classic

Dec. 25, 2011

‘Twas midnight on Christmas and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, especially my spouse.

She had just settled down for a well deserved nap,
After driving three weeks all over the map.

Day after day and mile after mile,
She’d look in the back seat and still see Nathan smile.

For all of days he did the weights in the cage,
Not one did he cry, or work up a rage.

Three weeks of drive-thrus, and stops at McD’s,
with stops at Steak-n-Shake and sometimes Arby’s.

When therapy was over, she never drove home,
But to work for 4 hours did she dared roam.

As I picked up Nathan and made sure he got fed,
Gave him dinner, some Tylenol and all of his meds.

For all you who asked, why December to go,
Alas, there was rain but not one day with snow.

As for me and my new job, I really can’t complain,
I get to talk shop and it helps keep me sane.

I even got the last Friday off so I got to drive,
So the last trip to Cinci, Annette got to ride.

We got our home program and then back in the car,
All the way up to Gilboa a little more far.

Two days spent with Helen, just like years past.
Keeping up with traditions, making memories to last.

Shopping on Christmas Eve and church later that night,
A chance to give praise back to God feels so right.

Then off to bed, try to sneak in some sleep,
Two parties to attend, and dinners to keep.

Celebrate with Annette’s family and leave after lunch,
Travelling back to my parents and all of my bunch.

Gifts galore from both gatherings packed in our minivan,
Finally arriving home, whenever we can.

We hope Christmas found you in the best holiday spirit.
If you have a good story, we’d love to hear it.

May each day be special, and filled with God’s love,
Give thanks back to him and His grace from above.

We hope that the new year will be (at least one of) your best,
Until then, our main task is to all get some rest.

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