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Déjà vu all over again

Oct. 30, 2011

As if we thought our summer was filled, we’re pushing the envelope once again. We had already planned to head back to Cincinnati again just before Christmas, hoping that we could dodge (as best we could) interrupting school. It’s also during our period of time, when our PT has Nathan on their episodal 8-weeks off. Since the thought of swimming outside at the pool at the apartment complex we stayed at last time, is unlikely at best, we’re back to driving down and back (the 125 miles each way) for the 15 days.

On Monday of this week, we were given “an offer we can’t refuse.” It was announced that Brigher Beginnings Through Conductive Education would be offering some scholarships to previous students who would like to come back for some more sessions. Without missing a beat we sent our statement of interest and was greeted with their reply, “Can you start this Monday.” So, starting immediately Nathan and I will be driving back and forth to Marysville (only 49 miles each way) 5 days a week for the next 5 weeks.

We’ve had to make some concessions, we won’t be able to continue Nathan’s communications speech group as it won’t be possible for be in Dublin at 4 when we’ll be finishing up in Marysville 18 miles away. We will be continuing Nathan’s schooling, as we know how much he likes and how hard Teacher Beth is working to get him to succeed. He’ll have school (Tuesday-Friday) 8:30-11:40, eat and rest to get to conductive education (Monday-Friday) 2-4 and on Mondays head to equine-assisted therapy from 5:30-6:30.

Currently, Nathan doesn’t have any activities scheduled over the weekends, other than an upcoming birthday party and some extra time with Grandma, and Aunt Amy during two more OSU football games. The Friday that conductive education ends is only a Saturday and Sunday away from intensive PT starting.

The challenge Annette and I face is keeping Nathan healthy, eating and sleeping well, not to mention getting him enough liquids and keeping his digestive system in check as well. Nathan does not concede to logic and many times doesn’t realize that trying to eat, or sleep at certain times is really in his best interest.

The progress Nathan has shown over the last several months show us that what he’s been doing is working. He has a new-found determination and strength. He’s uncovered the next level of how to learn, and put new skills to relevant use in his life. We could joke and sing about how all he really wants for Christmas is his four front teeth. We know if he can make it through all of the many miles in the car these next two months, the places he’ll be able to go on his own will go on for years to come.

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