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Leap Beyond Therapy journal

LBT part 2, now complete

The long days away from home are over, but the hard work is just beginning. View the recap of each day, and see the building blocks to Nathan's better tomorrows.

Home sweet home

July 17, 2011

There’s something about sleeping in your own bed, sitting in your favorite chair and having all those little quirky niceties around the house, you just can’t predict you’ll need/want on the road.

I’m one that traditionally over-packs, yet there’s always something that sneaks up that I wish I had and didn’t bring along for the trip. (This time it was my meds for muscle spasms, I could have used if I had anticipated the back problems.)

For Nathan, there’s something about having his meals in his chair, signaling he’s hungry/thirsty when Annette or I open the refrigerator. He knows the TV schedule and the confidence that his channels will always be an option at home.

Still it’s funny how things work in his little head. For the past two weeks he’s hated working the cage. He’s not one for lifting/pulling weights, like his dad, and he made his opinion known whenever lifted and brought into that area. Even the times when he would get to do the bungee work (dancing, jumping, standing, balancing) I would have to go in first, before he would show any signs of walking to the area in between.

All said and done with our second round of intensive therapy, we’re back to looking into when we can do it again. The progress he’s shown may seem subtle, but still are building blocks we want to keep the momentum moving forward. For instance, he’s shown signs of wanting to army crawl, but just couldn’t coordinate the arms and legs or couldn’t  get the push to get himself forward.

At the end of therapy, while on the mat the dent was visible where Nathan would dig his elbow in, and try to get his legs on board to give a good push.  If one of us would help plant one of his legs, he’d boost forward 9-12 inches at a time. Now we’re trying to do the same thing at home, but making him work for things we’d help him with before, isn’t going over very well.

Tomorrow we’re back to OT, the first one in a month (since the last scheduled day was July 4, and during our LBT time) and with four weeks of conductive education right around the corner, we’ll have to rearrange schedules to fit them in before late August. Still the days of sleeping in are coming to an end. Annette heads back to work tomorrow, and I’ll be burning the midnight-2 a.m. oil to get my projects complete.

The past 10 days in Cincinnati are probably the closest we’ll get to a vacation any time soon. It was nice to get away, but perhaps even better to come home. The laundry’s already done, the cars are ready to get cleaned out, and house needs a good cleaning. Part two of the summer road trip starts up again next week.

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