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Making time for Christmas

Dec. 19, 2010

Christmastime is hard. There just doesn’t seem to be enough time to get half of the things done that we’d like to. We’ve lived in this house for 10 Christmases now and never have we put lights on the outside. (If there was a vote of who trusts Kevin on the ladder and the vote has always been 2-0 or 3-0 depending on if you asked before or after 2005.) At first we tried to decorate the house, putting garland on the staircase, snowmen on the mantle, wintertime towels in the bathroom. Now, if a towel is clean, it gets used whatever month it is or whatever it has on it.

A few weeks back Annette made the comment that if we didn’t get our tree up soon, it wouldn’t be worth putting it up at all. My heart sank, but I really couldn’t disagree. The tree was the one thing we made sure stood proud, even when it was the old tree which looked pretty pathetic. It was that afternoon that I told myself that one way or another, the tree would still stand.

While Annette was busy at work, I climbed up in the crawl space (bad elbow and all) and moved the boxes out of the way. I hauled the big box up the stairs and started assembling with Nathan sitting at my side. He would give a smile and go back to playing with his toys until I would take another break. The biggest smile came when I reached up and put the star atop the faux evergreen.

All in all, it took all of 12 minutes to put up, locate the velveteen skirt, bring up the ornaments, plug in all the lights and make sure it’s ready for another year. It’s hard to believe that with all of the things I waste my time on, that I was only 12 minutes away from hiding in the darkness while all lights shine on everyone else’s holiday.

I did leave the tree bare as putting the ornaments on was traditionally Annette’s job. (I’ve never liked that part.) I did my part, made sure Nathan knew about the tree, that we too participate like all our other friends and families. After about 10 days, and knowing Annette’s rigorous schedule, I decided to put the ornaments on as well.

On the tree, we have four types of ornaments, a few with orange cats like Phoebe, a handful of Nathan pictured ones, from “Baby’s First Christmas” to those he’s made himself while at school, penguin ornaments for Annette, and Ohio State ornaments which are normally my favorites. (We even have OSU ornaments with penguins on them as well.)

With all of the hustle and bustle outside the house, it’s a peaceful feeling to see the tree standing lights glowing with all of the pieces of our family meshing to form one single item of strength and unity. There’s no labels, no disabilities, no signs of weakness, just a tree shining bright equal to those of our friends, neighbors and members of the community.

We have been blessed so gratefully, especially lately. We have received many gifts from friends and family, filling needs that we didn’t know how we would meet on our own. Annette has been helping out at the church’s food pantry preparing breakfast for the patrons, and has had her spirits lifted by some of the people she’s met, and watching strangers one week, coming in to help out and serve others the next.

At a time when I doubt my design skills, and thinking my professional career is falling farther and farther behind, I’ve been tasked by those who believe in me with projects to help them move forward. These projects not only lift my spirits but help to offset the bills that accrue this time of year, especially.

It’s also amazing how one act of Christmas, begets another. With the tree up, it was clear that we wanted to send out Christmas cards. At this time it was the second week in December, we were thinking we’d be lucky to have them out by new year’s but four days later, we have them in hand, and after choosing to hand-address they should be in the mail tomorrow.

Annette decided to bake Christmas treats for those who we thought we wouldn’t be able to give gifts to, Nathan’s teachers, therapists, helpers, aids, etc. It hasn’t been easy, and there have been a lot of dishes, but alas, in the end how sweet and wonderful they all have turned out.

One more bright spot of the season came when Annette decided to get back to crocheting, and she made a scarf for herself. She thought the time she took to make it would help her relax and make her feel good having something she made wearing out and about. The next day several co-workers commented on how they liked the scarf and asked Annette to make some for them. The same thing happened with her mom and sister when they came down as well. In the past 16 days she has made 15 scarves and still has requests for more before the holidays are over. What was supposed to be relaxing now has given her a greater purpose behind it and great satisfaction as each one is completed.

We decided months ago that we would keep this Christmas very simple between the two of us. We would still celebrate, but neither one needed a big-ticket item, and we knew we didn’t need any more bills. We also decided to enjoy some of the more simple things around us. Using our Zoo membership to see their three million lights, to not-only visit the local light display ourselves, but to take others and go two more times. This year Nathan seems to be enjoying them more and with that we enjoy them more as well.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen Annette more happy than this Christmas, and that makes this year more special than any of years past. We look back at all of the great strides Nathan has made and give thanks to all of the blessings bestowed on all of us. In the past we sought the gift of hope, and that hope has lead us to greater faith, and with greater faith is the bond which reminds us that with God all things are possible.

It is with this faith and the blessings of the season that we say Merry Christmas to all of you. For some who are miles away, and those who still live near, know that we hold you close to our hearts. May peace find you where ever you are, and know that you are loved. May this Christmas bring cheer to your heart, and warmth to your soul. God bless you everyone, for being a wonderful part of our lives.

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