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Some assembly required

Nov. 7, 2010

This week, we celebrated Nathan’s birthday. Annette made cupcakes for his class, we got to spend some extra time together and just enjoy each other. Over the weekend Nathan got to have a party with my side of the family, and next weekend Annette’s mom gets to come down and celebrate as well.

Like many birthday boys, Nathan was spoiled with many presents all of which will be put to use soon, if they haven’t already. Of course while opening the gifts, just tearing the paper was the most exciting part. One thing that got me excited is that Nathan not only knew what each gift was, but really didn’t need much instruction on how to use/play with them.

For many it seems pretty simple, but remember this is a kid who we were told wasn’t supposed to have much brain function. His apparent instinct “I take the guy, put him in the airplane, and the airplane can go places,” brings a smile to my face and to my heart. I couldn’t believe his excitement today when I brought over one of the boxes today and watched Nathan nearly jump out of his seat wanting to play.

It was torturous for him to have to sit and wait while I undid all of the twist-tie packaging, unstick all of the tape, free all the wheels, check all the batteries and most importantly, locate any possible ‘off’ switches when we can’t stand the music any more.

While unwrapping presents, one item he gave an immediate smile to was a new pair of walking shoes. I don’t know if it was really going through his mind, but it almost seemed like he was ready to start the clock, as to how long it would take before he’d get those broken in as well. It was almost like the starting bell had run and he is up to answer the call.

The presents keep rolling this week as Tuesday we will are scheduled to finally pick up the new gait trainer (walker). This will open new challenges and opportunities to Nathan setting goals for both the short and long term. We will be holding our breath and hope that he’ll made the transition to the wider frame and being more upright. This should help fight against his feet dragging behind him and burning out the toes of the new shoes as easily.

I have to admit, I’ve always been the uncle buying the toys that make the most noise, have the most parts or little pieces. I've known that having the youngest child, my time was coming and preparing for my just desserts. My parents, and siblings have all given great (mostly quiet) gifts, shown great support and do whatever they can to help in any way.

As great as my family has been, I also need to recognize my mother-in-law for everything she’s done and given as well. She makes sure Nathan’s dues are paid for all of his activities, and all of his needs are met. She drives two-and-a-half hours home and back for all of OSU’s home games, not to attend herself, but to look after Nathan so Annette and I can get out of the house. I hope she knows how much we love and appreciate her, as she’s been as big a part as anyone for Nathan’s success.

Birthdays are a great chance to reflect how far he’s come, and see how many people he’s blessing along the way. Everywhere we go we hear how he brightens other’s day and how they wait all week to see his smile and hear his laugh. We can’t disagree, but we’re privileged to have that opportunity every single day. It’s important that we don’t take any day for granted, but celebrate each day for its own gifts. We only pray for many more great celebrations to come.

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