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Helping Others by Providing Encouragement

Oct. 3, 2010

The past several months have been very productive for Nathan. He’s back on the upswing on personal discoveries and learning new things, and putting them to new use. I’ve spent many of the past several postings writing about Nathan’s success with the walker, how far he’s gone, learning how to steer, navigate in new environments, etc. I’ve been very proud of what he’s done and want to brag about these new little victories to anyone and everyone.

One place where I put on my proud papa hat is for church. It’s been my observation that there are many people fighting their own battles these days. Whether it’s overcoming addition, fighting off health issues, dealing with emotional or financial struggles, each person has their own reason to be there, and many do their best to hide their problems afraid what others would say if they knew the truth.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned especially over the past two years, is that everything that we have is a gift from God. We are to be thankful for these gifts, give praise for fulfilling our daily needs and to share our good news with others.

Last November, I spoke in front of our congregation about praising God amidst life’s struggles. I introduced Nathan to many who had possibly seen him but were afraid to ask not wanting to offend us. I also discussed the creation of this web site and how it was our goal to be a positive influence on others.

Ever since, Nathan has been a symbol of inspiration for many. When Nathan was walking around the church festival a month ago, there were many amazed people who had only seen Nathan pushed around in a chair for the past nine months. The other week, when he walked through the door, big grin on his face showing others how he’s using the blessings he’s received it started to rub off on many others. People we barely know, cheer Nathan on by name and those little cheers bring a spark to his step.

Nathan still doesn’t talk, but he shares his message with many. People don’t look at him and feel sorry for him, they look at him and see a little boy fighting life’s battles by grabbing the horns and hanging on for the ride. As those battling hidden issues look into his eyes, he shares a spark that they too can overcome what life has thrown at them.

With all of the clever acronyms and initialisms people use today, Nathan has introduced us to another, Helping Others, by Providing Encouragement. Our family is based around this H.O.P.E. and our goal is to share that feeling with others. The best part about H.O.P.E. is that it only works when others are the focus. If the focus shifts to helping yourself, it’s just H.Y.P.E. and the end result is never as effective.

Stay true to yourself, and keep battling through whatever life may throw at you. Know that others believe in you, even when you don’t believe in yourself. It keeps life’s little champs, like Nathan, overcoming and getting stronger everyday.

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