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A letter to my future self

Dec. 13, 2009

Some say that good coaches teach the game, while great coaches teach life lessons outside the lines. ESPN just completed its annual Jimmy V Week, celebrating the life, struggles and inspiration of Jim Valvano, the former NC State men’s basketball coach’s public battle with cancer, and his drive to overcome everything that battled him from the inside out. At the 1993 ESPY Awards he gave a speech that inspired many people in many different ways and that speech is played time and again, to reiterate his message and to keep others fighting.

One part I will always remember is his closing statement, “Cancer can take away all my physical abilities. It cannot touch my mind, it cannot touch my heart and it cannot touch my soul. And those three things are going to carry on forever.”

There are many times when it’s hard to push-on as a special-needs parent. You wonder if any of the time, strength and energy are worth it; whether the child is getting anything out of it or whether you’re just frustrating each other. I’ve been there before and decided to write a letter to myself to read how ever many times it takes, should those thoughts re-enter my head, that I may know that there’s still so much to fight for.

Dear Kevin,

Life can be hard. There are many struggles along the road and many things you think you’ll never overcome. Always remember that you’re never in this battle alone. You have faith, family, friends, and many others who follow you though this website, who stand behind you, with you and help push both you and Nathan on to greater things.

Remember the day this week (December 2009) in Speech Therapy. How you saw the light in Nathan’s eyes and the shocked look on your face when it became obvious that Nathan lives more than just in the moment, and that there truly are great things going through his head. How he remembered that up on the wall, in that purple folder hanging on the wall, lies the things he really wanted to play with and not just settle for those in front of him.

Nathan lives with two main purposes in his life, first to share love with others and second, to make his parents proud. His frustrations are only temporary, but his love endures forever.

As Nathan’s coaches through life you and Annette are always teaching and inspiring. Your attitudes impact his success and help him through the struggles as well. He needs you in his life as much as you need him. Follow the inspiration of all coaches around the world, those who win championships as well as those seem to be just teaching the bare fundamentals. For without these basic skills, the championships would never be possible.

Every day at school, every therapy session and every new idea you or Annette try is helping to build those mental bonds and wrap them with the love and memories that go along with them. Think of how far your family has come thus far and how you’ve overcome the limitations of child who others said would never walk or ride a bike. The strides may come slow, but know you’re raising a very determined child who’s main goal in life is to prove all the doubters wrong.

You have been blessed with so many great helpers along the way, and every one are angels sent to do God’s work. God works through each and every one of you, to help build Nathan up in some new way, to make one new connection and share His love through your life. Not everyday will produce visible returns, but those are the building blocks for life’s future achievements. Without the invisible days which cause you doubt, the great days will never be possible.

Your determination, desire and the will to press-on is contagious and will continuously lead to better things. The only way to fail is to quit. Know that God is with you and provides the strength to not only make it through the day, but to make everyday better. Let the words of Jimmy V ring true forever, “Don’t give up, don’t ever give up!”

Other great quotes by Jim Valvano from his speech.

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