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Nathan learns some new 4-letter words

Nov. 29, 2009

I have to imagine that I’m similar to most parents who are careful about the words they use and say around their children. In Nathan’s case we have a greater buffer zone, as he’s not in immediate danger of repeating anything that we say, but still we want to be good role models for him. But those are the words that I’m talking about here.

For almost two years, our goal in physical therapy is to have Nathan gain independent mobility. Crawling has never been a very good option as he struggles to get his belly off the ground and get his legs underneath him. We’ve worked mainly on walking, via a gait trainer and for the last 4-5 months it’s been with a Kaye walker.

Talking with Abbi, it’s been “If we could only get him to …” or “All he needs is to…” knowing that there’s still some hang-up that we just aren’t getting over. This week we had PT at a different date and time so Annette decided to take off work early and go with us. Nathan had done some good things the week before so she wanted to see for herself. This also allowed me to take the video camera. He performed as he usually does for the camera.

I also need to recognize Becky and the rest of the Nisonger staff who have helped Nathan with his new stepping routine. Becky has modified one of their Kaye walkers to be like the one we're using at home so he has more time and experience using it. The more practice we're getting, the better Nathan is doing.

What was jaw dropping to me was listening to Abbi and Annette talk after what he was doing. The 4-letter words they were using made my jaw drop. Everything they said changed to “when” and “once”. “Once he gets used to holding himself up…” “When he gets his hands in place…” What a great way to start Thanksgiving!

Since now you have a video to watch, I’ll shut up. Positive thinking and hope are the best gifts a PMG parent can receive. For me, Christmas came early. (At least all the stores and shopping malls were ready.)

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