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Perfect timing

Nov. 22, 2009

Well, I can’t think of a better week to be tagged as the time for giving thanks.

Monday was the last week of autumn's 7-week session of aquatics. Somehow I was volunteered to join Nathan in the pool as an extra set of hands and to have someone to chase and play. We even went down the six foot water slide splashing down into the water. The most unique event of this session was the male college student that took it upon himself to walk up to Annette and say, “I’ve seen your son the last two Mondays and I have to say when he smiles, it makes me want to smile too.” That was a whole new demographic that Nathan has touched, totally unprompted and completely unexpected.

Tuesday, at physical therapy, on three separate occasions, Nathan took jaunts of 10-15 unassisted steps in his “tricked-out” Kaye walker. This means he was standing on his own, supporting his own weight, moving his legs and not hopping, dragging or hanging. Currently, he does still need his hands connected to the walker to make sure he takes it with him, but still we’re getting closer day-by-day.

Wednesday, for the second week in a row, Nathan started the horseback riding session by holding on to his special handles, supporting 100% of his core, and staying balance for almost half a lap around the arena. This is the same child who 8 months ago couldn’t sit on the ground for more than 10 seconds without drooping over to one side.

Thursday, time ground to a halt when I got a phone call from the pastor of our church. I thought it would be in regards to my Facebook postings about my dad (PMGGrandpa) who had undergone two surgeries that day, but instead the pastor wanted Annette and I to address the congregation and tell them Nathan’s story, and how many blessings have surrounded us every day. Knowing that Hayley was willing to make her speech about Nathan to her peers, how could I say no?

For the past four years, Nathan has been my favorite subject to talk about. Even amidst all of our adversity, he brings joy and blessings into our lives everyday. That part would be easy. The tough part came when Pastor said he wanted me to talk for 5 minutes. For most topics that's a lifetime, but as any reader of my site knows, it takes more than 5 minutes to read any of my postings.

I would create the outline in my head over and over, and each time, I would come up with another point I wanted to say. I did ask Annette to join me, but I think that she knows once I start talking about Nathan, she’ll never get a word in. She’s not that big on public speaking and wasn’t feeling well, so that left more time for me. Saturday morning and evening (I stopped, to watch the OSU/Michigan game) I wrote and rewrote my presentation, trying to trim, but there’s just so much to say.

Then for the first time, I actually timed to see how much content I had. Almost 8 minutes later, I conceded it was time to cut. I tried using acronyms everywhere and contractions, but no luck. Some content had to go. Eventually, painfully, I got it under six minutes. My thought was if there was a 5 on the stopwatch, it was good enough for me.

For the first time since my speech class in college (let’s just say well before the last time Ohio State went to the Rose Bowl) I had to get up in front of people who never heard me say 10 words, and give a lengthy presentation. This Sunday was a combined service and right before the annual Thanksgiving feast (who misses that Sunday at church?!) My heart said, “all the more people to learn about PMG.” My head said, “all the more people to sound like a fool.”

I told my Mom and Dad about being asked to talk to my church in hopes that it would be a positive for them to think about, as my dad was recovering in the hospital. I thought they’d be excited for us, but knew they wouldn’t be able to make it out. The rest of my family decided to show their support and trek to our side of town, all for a 5 minute presentation. Okay, 5+ minute presentation. I just knew it meant 13 more people in the audience.

Let’s just say, I’m much more comfortable behind a keyboard than a microphone. I gave my presentation, sounding like the guy who used to do the old FedEx and Micro Machine ads, talking a mile a minute. Somehow God got the words from my mouth to others’ ears. For a guy stuttering and stammering, the support was phenomenal, surrounding us with an ovation that could be heard in Heaven. Just another one of God’s blessings, and we’re grateful for everyone.

The last thing I want to share thanks for are the other 8 PMG families who have shared their stories with us over the last 3 months. The lonely feeling we had felt for so long has finally been filled. I’d love to set a plate for all of you around our table this Thursday. Annette and I value you as our family and hope that one day we may sit with you face-to-face, and share more victories.

Thanksgiving is but one day in November, but we give thanks for the many blessings we’ve been given every day. May God bless and touch you, and may we all be willing to share that love with one another.

For those keeping track, reading this aloud took 5 minutes and 46 seconds. I told you I just can't get it under 5 minutes.

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